Tag: make awesome things that matter

We Are Sun* November 2019 welcomes 15 new official members
Culture - Event
We Are Sun* November 2019 welcomes 15 new official members
After probation, on November 7, 15 new official members have participated in We Are Sun* to understand more about the company's vision, mission and core values. With this ceremony, members will understand more about the company's culture and find meanings in their work.
by T.N.T 752 views 2019-11-08
Sun* Hackathon 2019: The journey of transformation for strong-willed dreamers
Culture - Event
Sun* Hackathon 2019: The journey of transformation for strong-willed dreamers
For outsiders, Sun* Hackathon 2019 is simply just a coding competition, for Sun* employees. However, you have to be present and experience it yourself to see the fierceness of the competition and the efforts of the participants to feel even prouder of a young Sun* generation.
by Nhóm tác giả: Quỳnh Nguyễn - Thu Thảo - Chí Việt 1120 views 2019-10-21

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