Tag: Sun* CTF 2019

Sun* CTF HCM 2019: Awesome teamwork, ultimate victory!
Culture - Event
Sun* CTF HCM 2019: Awesome teamwork, ultimate victory!
In order to overcome the challenges of Sun* CTF HCM 2019, the contestants must be a team, think outside the box, get risky and be professional...
by Ngọc Trâm - Bích Ngọc 904 views 2019-10-28
Sun* CTF 2019 Da Nang: Break The Norms - Be A Creator
Culture - Event
Sun* CTF 2019 Da Nang: Break The Norms - Be A Creator
In the eyes of outsiders, CTF is merely a competition where "contestants sit in front of the computer for 7.5 hours", but only insiders can understand that there are hidden waves of brain brawls full of dynamic.
by Minh Phương 917 views 2019-10-28
Sun* Da Nang: Easy game for the 21 elite teams of CTF 2019!
Culture - Event
Sun* Da Nang: Easy game for the 21 elite teams of CTF 2019!
After 2 weeks for registration and preparation, the 21 teams of Sun* CTF 2019 in Đà Nẵng came to the stage with high spirit. Everything is ready, let's wait and see how these 21 teams conquer the CTF maze this Saturday 26/10!
by Minh Phương 742 views 2019-10-24
Sun* CTF 2019: Are you ready to create your own game?
Sun* CTF 2019: Are you ready to create your own game?
The event Sun* CTF 2019 will officially start in Da Nang and HCM office on October 26. Despite having the same name, the two contests have many interesting differences. Let's find out and sign up!
by Minh Phương 765 views 2019-10-07

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