Tag: Sun* Hackathon 2019

Winner of Sun* Hackathon 2019 - Suntana the 3D virtual assistant
Winner of Sun* Hackathon 2019 - Suntana the 3D virtual assistant
With a resounding success in Sun* Hackathon 2019, team RnD Overfit left a strong impression with their compelling presentation on the idea of "3D virtual assistant" called Suntana. Let's find out more about this product!
by Thùy Trang 1006 views 2019-10-24
Sun* Hackathon 2019: The journey of transformation for strong-willed dreamers
Culture - Event
Sun* Hackathon 2019: The journey of transformation for strong-willed dreamers
For outsiders, Sun* Hackathon 2019 is simply just a coding competition, for Sun* employees. However, you have to be present and experience it yourself to see the fierceness of the competition and the efforts of the participants to feel even prouder of a young Sun* generation.
by Nhóm tác giả: Quỳnh Nguyễn - Thu Thảo - Chí Việt 1119 views 2019-10-21
RnD Overfit is the champion of Sun* Hackathon 2019
Culture - Event
RnD Overfit is the champion of Sun* Hackathon 2019
After 36 intense hours of hacking, 10 minutes of confident presentation and refutation, RnD Overfit has won over 23 outstanding competitors to become the champion of Sun* Hackathon 2019.
by T&Q 2186 views 2019-10-20
The 9 best teams of Sun* Hackathon 2019 are up for the finale!
The 9 best teams of Sun* Hackathon 2019 are up for the finale!
The final hours are here with the 24 teams, and only 9 of them can enter the next round to present their ideas.
by T&Q 555 views 2019-10-20
Sun* Hackathon 2019: 36 intense hours of Hacking Session came to an end, and here are 50 shades of feel of the teams
Culture - Event
Sun* Hackathon 2019: 36 intense hours of Hacking Session came to an end, and here are 50 shades of feel of the teams
The hacking session has officially ended at 7.30AM today (20/10), how are the teams' spirit? Let's find out with Sun* News!
by T.N.T 705 views 2019-10-20
Sun* Hackathon 2019: Batch announcement left people in awe
Sun* Hackathon 2019: Batch announcement left people in awe
The teams have just known their direct competitors. The atmosphere of Cen X Space became hotter than ever after the announcement.
by Bạch Dương 1115 views 2019-10-19
Sun* Hackathon 2019: 36 hacking hours officially begin
Sun* Hackathon 2019: 36 hacking hours officially begin
Mr. Vu Xuan Dung - Manager Unit 1 represented the B.O.D. to officially kick-off Sun* Hackathon 2019.
by Minh. 724 views 2019-10-18
Competitors check-in and get ready for Sun* Hackathon 2019
Competitors check-in and get ready for Sun* Hackathon 2019
From 5.15 PM of 18/10, the teams of Sun* Hackathon 2019 have arrived at Cen X Space, 6 Nguyễn Hoàng street for check-in before the 36 hours of intense competition.
by Admin 352 views 2019-10-18
EXCLUSIVE: Lists of teams for Sun* Hackathon 2019
EXCLUSIVE: Lists of teams for Sun* Hackathon 2019
If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win hundreds of battles without jeopardy! Sunners must be all eyes and ears to know your team and your competitors at Sun* Hackathon 2019.
by PV Sun* News 659 views 2019-10-17
This weekend, what can Sunners expect with the battlefield of Sun* Hackathon 2019?
This weekend, what can Sunners expect with the battlefield of Sun* Hackathon 2019?
If you are still wondering what will be the surrounding of the 36 mind-blowing hours of Sun* Hackathon 2019, and how will the contestants rest and dine, read all the following information on the venue of the competition.
by Thùy Trang 623 views 2019-10-15