Tag: Viblo CV

Viblo CTF: The next piece of Viblo Platform made its debut
Viblo CTF: The next piece of Viblo Platform made its debut
Viblo CTF is expected to bring awesome exciting competitions in information security with different missions of different difficulties, from child's play to conundrum.
by Wataridori 1193 views 2019-10-04
The Viblo platform
The Viblo platform
Having succeeded in establishing credits with Sunners in particular and the Vietnamese IT community in general, Viblo has claimed its position as a credible channel for exchanging information and technological knowledge in Vietnam. Not just that, the members of the R&D Unit is developing a “Viblo ecosystem” with the initial step of the launching of Viblo Code and Viblo CV, with many promising and useful functions and applications in the future of a “made in Sun*” system.
by Phóng viên Sun*News 1331 views 2019-08-07

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