Tag: Be Professional

“Follow your passion” is dangerous advice!
“Follow your passion” is dangerous advice!
Probably very few people will tell you that. However, this is a very new and real view of "passion" shared by Cal Newport in his book "So Good They Can’t Ignore You" - one of the good books that Sunner Đào Danh Huệ ( EUV3) highly recommended for you on the S* Book. So what will the book tell us?
by Đào Danh Duệ 818 views 2020-08-05
Video: Be professional like taking a walk in the park with Linh Choco and Sơn B!
Video: Be professional like taking a walk in the park with Linh Choco and Sơn B!
Manager said: "You are so unprofessional". Well, that sucks, so we gotta act! First thing first, check out this video. Then, you know what to do!
by Linh Choco - Sơn B 838 views 2019-10-30
If you are not professional in romance, don't think that you can 'be professional' in work
Culture - Event
If you are not professional in romance, don't think that you can 'be professional' in work
Life has many shapes and sizes, and you always ask yourself that why do they tell you that you are unprofessional. Professionalism is no big deal, as sometimes it stems from the smallest things, and how you react to them.
by Chí Việt - Bảo Ngân 744 views 2019-10-28
Those who complain about being busy suck at task management!
Those who complain about being busy suck at task management!
The fact is that important people like CEO, Managers, Group Leaders always seem to be chill, never in a hurry or never say they are busy. Meanwhile, regular members are always snowed under tasks. Is it really because the managers are free, while we are busy? That is my original mindset until my manager told me “Have you ever wondered why you are always so busy?”
by T.N.T 1547 views 2019-10-28

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