Those who complain about being busy suck at task management!
The fact is that important people like CEO, Managers, Group Leaders always seem to be chill, never in a hurry or never say they are busy. Meanwhile, regular members are always snowed under tasks. Is it really because the managers are free, while we are busy? That is my original mindset until my manager told me “Have you ever wondered why you are always so busy?”
“I'm busy”,
“I'm snowed under”,
“I got urgen deadlines”,...
These are the answers we often get when we ask somebody a favor. I agree that we all must focus on our tasks, but are you always that busy?

Some might say that "If you want it, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find a reason". I do not fully agree with this phrase. Have you ever been in a case where no matter how much you want it or fight for it, you still cannot find a way?
I have. Sometimes there are so many tasks that I cannot even handle all of them even if I have handled it by priority, especially the haunted phrase called "urgent task".
I work with such devotion and enthusiasm, why does the manager think that I have not come up to the expectation with my current capabilities? Do I need to grow extra limbs as well?
The point is did you do it correctly?
This question from my manager really makes me contemplate that am I compensating for my intelligence with my hard work, or do I not have an appropriate plan to deal with my job?
My manager used to be like me, devoting his best for his passion, and his enthusiasm was, at the same time, more and less than enough. It was more than enough because he was devoted to the things that he found awesome and valuable. However, it was less then enough for the managers because that was not what the organization needs. In a sense, "enthusiastic action + unsuitable thinking = ineffective working”.
After discussing with my leader, I realize there are 4 main reasons why we are "always busy": improper mindset, unawareness of the importance of work, lack of focus and failure in suitable time management.

Mindset is the most important factor, which determines the time needed to complete a task. However, it is not something that can be changed immediately, and it requires practice.
“Challenging” a difficult task will be a good mindset training. This is how you find ways and solutions to problems, and brainstorming more with your team will improve your flexibility and quick thinking.

The second thing is that once you understand the importance of your tasks to the organization, time and effort management will be much easier to understand and apply.
From a member's perspective, it is good to complete tasks. But from the manager's perspective, they want the members to acknoledge that what they are doing really benefit their organization with optimal use of their capabilities! Don't just dive into unnecessary work.
On focus, it comes from both extrinsic and intrinsic reasons: your tasks are not focused, and you yourself are not focus.
If the tasks are not focused, you need to discuss with your leader about your own work. If you cannot fullly concentrate in your work, that is your own responsibility. Google "How to have effective focus".
The last thing is about how to manage your own time, we must all have our own way to manage and adjust our task.

And to solve the four mentioned issues, we need to ensure the 3 attributes: Respect the time, Work wholeheartedly and Complete your work. Isn't that the Core Value “Be Professional” of Sun*?
I believe that if we take our work much more seriously, we will not be that busy at all!