10 must-read IT books!
The quality IT books below are really good food for the brain. Nguyen Anh Tien, Do Xuan Duc, Tran Trung Hieu B, Trinh Giang Dong, ... and many other Sunners have already used and shared them on S*book! Guaranteed quality.
At the S*Book bookstore, there are different kinds of books, such as detective novels, literature books, parenting books, etc. As an online bookstore of a technology company with a great reading culture, there is no doubt that S*Book includes books for programmers. These books were read and shared by Sunners on the S*Book. So let’s check out these books!
Code Journal
Currently, we have very few books about IT in general and programmers in particular in Vietnam. They are mostly translated from foreign authors. We are so into books like "Ways to get rich and so on" that we flatter ourselves when actually our skills do not allow us to do so. So we need books that guide careers and build solid knowledge, from then you can think of more wonderful things in the future. "Code journal - programmers don't just know how to code" will give you that.
Mr. Tran Van Tan B has a review on this book:
I read this book at the end of the 3rd year of university. It helped me to have a more realistic view of the field I am studying. The book consists of 3 parts: part 1 focuses on the software skills and attitudes that each programmer needs when studying and working, part 2 goes deeper into programming techniques from basic to Advanced, part 3 is the sharing of the author's real experience. The author's writing style is very humorous, some passages are also written in a kung fu style to make it interesting and appeal to the readers.
Link to borrow: https://book.sun-asterisk.vn/books/code-dao-ki-su-108

Scrum Handbook
This book is for those who want to find a way to increase productivity and create efficiency especially for developers and managers who start using scrums. Therefore, it is best designed for learning and searching. This is the most complete, scientific, and easy-to-understand Scrum handbook on the market today you can find to apply Scrum effectively.
Another book to keep nearby everyday. Add a book to the desk every day. The book describes all in detail about Agile, the function in Scrum, the positions in Scrum. You will find yourself, your daily work in this book.
- Trần Trung Hiếu B -
Link to borrow: https://book.sun-asterisk.vn/books/cam-nang-scrum-127

Agile Y
Agile Y is a Vietnamese book about Agile with various knowledge. This book is for those who are struggling to find methodology or practice to improve productivity in making software. Especially, according to some experts in the field, this book is a special and necessary gift for Agile Vietnam as well as the software community in Vietnam.
There are tons of English documents about Agile, Scrum, from a few dozen pages to several hundred pages. But there are few Vietnamese documents, mostly articles are on websites. The book writes about the knowledge, how to apply agile in practice in a clear way. The book does not ramble but focuses on the core points of the agile. If you want to learn about agile in general and scrum in particular, this is the book for you.
- Đỗ Xuân Đức -
Link to borrow: https://book.sun-asterisk.vn/books/agile-y-71

The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws
We already have Vietnamese books, then this is an English book on S*Book for you. With the opening "Hacker!”, it sounds interesting already. So how to become a hacker? This is the question of those who are curious and want to become hackers. To be a hacker, at least you need to read this book.
Link to borrow: