Tag: Book corner

10 must-read IT books!
10 must-read IT books!
The quality IT books below are really good food for the brain. Nguyen Anh Tien, Do Xuan Duc, Tran Trung Hieu B, Trinh Giang Dong, ... and many other Sunners have already used and shared them on S*book! Guaranteed quality.
by AnhDT 1244 views 2020-08-30
“Follow your passion” is dangerous advice!
“Follow your passion” is dangerous advice!
Probably very few people will tell you that. However, this is a very new and real view of "passion" shared by Cal Newport in his book "So Good They Can’t Ignore You" - one of the good books that Sunner Đào Danh Huệ ( EUV3) highly recommended for you on the S* Book. So what will the book tell us?
by Đào Danh Duệ 818 views 2020-08-05
Top 5 most reviewed book on S*Book in June
Top 5 most reviewed book on S*Book in June
Which books were the most reviewed by Sunners in June? Let's find out about 5 books that are leading in the number of reviews on S* Book!
by AnhDT 465 views 2020-06-26
Happy for no reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
Happy for no reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
What would it take to make you happy? A fulfilling career, a big bank account, or the perfect mate? What will happen if one day all of them leave you?
by AnhDT 2448 views 2020-06-19

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