Tag: Shorten link

The new version of the link-shortening tool for Sunners: Impressive and Awesome!
The new version of the link-shortening tool for Sunners: Impressive and Awesome!
"Sun's link-shortening tool has been reborn to reach out further, develop stronger, proved by a positive signal of 250 new users after just 24 hours of release."
by Team Avengers 1539 views 2020-12-14
Forget Bitly and Goo.gl, from now on we have shortened link "made by Sun*", exclusively for Sunners!
Forget Bitly and Goo.gl, from now on we have shortened link "made by Sun*", exclusively for Sunners!
After Go.gl shuts down its link shortening service, many Sunners are lost, since they are too used to this application. Some switch to bit.ly, others use Vietnamese product, bitly.vn. Meanwhile, Group Avenger of Unit 1 decided to build our own link shortener 'made by Sun*'.
by Minh 1798 views 2019-10-22

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