Forget Bitly and, from now on we have shortened link "made by Sun*", exclusively for Sunners!

After shuts down its link shortening service, many Sunners are lost, since they are too used to this application. Some switch to, others use Vietnamese product, Meanwhile, Group Avenger of Unit 1 decided to build our own link shortener 'made by Sun*'.

The link shortener was built and completed in June 2019 by group Avenger - Unit 1. The product was put into beta right after within the group and Unit 1, before being released to all Sun* employees. 

The most important step for the team before build is to put out survey on user behavior and preference. Link shortener has been developed by many major companies, if duplicated, there must be something new to attract Sun* users. 

After handing out surveys to Sunners, Mr. Nguyễn Thanh Tùng D - Group Leader feels that in principle, the link shorterner systems are identical, preference is all impulsive. Some like because they like Google, some use because they hate Google... 

'We are a tech company, so why not make a Sun* product with Sun* signatures. Many Sunners are in discomfort and fear that data is not secured while using link shortener of a third party. For that reason, was born to solve this issue. A signature product that can provide information security, why can Sunners say no? " - Mr. Tùng shared his reason.

Số lượng người dùng trong tháng 9/2019
Number of users in October 2019

Just like any other link shorteners, also offers 2 basic features:

- Shortening: copy - paste the link directly for the output.

- Browser Extensions: After installing the app into Google, users can simply click on the link for the system to automatically shorten and copy. This feature only takes 30 seconds for link shortening. can save you 2 minutes of your life by cutting down on unnecessary steps.

"For each 10 links shortened everyday, you can save 20 minutes for other work." - Mr. Tùng said.

Mr Tùng admits that is not as short as he expected. However, as this product aims at assissting internal work, the developers emphasize more on brand recognition. 

"We still receive complaints that the link is still long, but I want Sunners and clients recognize this made in Sun* products. However, in order to make the product easier to recognize and remember by Sunners and clients, the developers decided to keep the current domain. 

In the future, a shorter Sun* signature domain will be introduced. Old links remain functionable.

The developers have set up monitors for assessment, if data storage runs out, the system will send a request for infrastructure upgrade. Keeping track of user behavior and demand will still be conducted regularly to bring the best service to Sunners. 

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#Shorten link

#made in Sun*