Best Idea of August: Integration of Core Value into WSM

This brilliant idea comes from Nguyen Thi Hang Thuy from Vietnam Education Unit.

Awsome Idea Box was founded by Sun* in July 2019 for Sunners to contribute ideas and solutions to improve the issues within the company. Each month, groups will submit the best ideas regarding the topic given by the organizer. The idea owner and the B.O.D. will form a comprehensive process and bring the idea into reality.

In August, the theme of Awsome Idea Box is "How to bring the 7 core values into the people of Sun*". There are many interesting and unique ideas, but the integration of core value into WSM from Nguyen Thi Hang Thuy of Vietnam Education Unit was considered the most unique and viable ideas. Hence, this idea has won  Best Idea of the Month of August.

Ms. Thuy proposed the following method: Among the company's internal website, WSM is the most frequented site. We can make good use of this habit of Sunners to create little "challenge" related to the core values. Hence, instead of just logging in to see your timesheet, WSM can verify whether the user is a Sunner or not buy choosing the core value of Sun* among 2 given answers. 

If the user chooses an incorrect answer, the system will automatically display another question to continue with the verification. By using WSM, members will be able to memorize the core values. This method, along with the mindset training that IC and other Units is doing, will help Sunners have a better understanding of the 7 core values.

Congratulations to Nguyen Thi Hang Thuy with this awesome idea! We hope that this idea will soon be completed by Ms. Hang Thuy and the B.O.D. and applied to the whole company, improving the efficiency of the training of core values. 

Awesome idea box September is receiving positive feedbacks with the theme "Bonding members".

If you are also interested in this theme, submit your awesome ideas to the organizer! 

Submit to Awesome idea box here.

#7 core values

#Best Idea

#Awesome Ideas Box

#Raising Ideas Box