Corner of Sun*: Phan Ngoc - no need to be sweet, still beyond attractive!

If you are still single, don’t miss out on such a guy like Ngoc!

At Sun * Da Nang, Ngoc is famous for being a man with an orderly lifestyle, sometimes a bit too organized compared to his peers. (This sentence is not meant to criticize him)

His life always follows a "barem", never deviating from the trajectory: waking up at 6 am arriving at the company at 7:45 am, off work at 4:45 pm, cooking, reading books, watching the news between 5:00 - 9:00 pm, and going to bed at exact 9 pm. This lifestyle seemed to be tasteless to others, yet for him, it is happiness.

After reading the above, you may think Ngoc is a married man, right? But you guys are wrong! Mr. Ngoc is STILL SINGLE.

“Why do you go to bed that early? Don’t you want to have a girlfriend?”

“I often dream of having a girlfriend when I fall asleep...”

- "So which one is more important, finding a girlfriend and going to bed early?"

- "Probably going to sleep!"

(Poor Ngoc!)

In addition to a regular and healthy lifestyle, Ngoc shared that he also has hobbies such as jogging and swimming. Every afternoon, he tries to go home on time to exercise and live in his passion. Saying no to alcohol and iced drinks, Ngoc always maintains a healthy life to the point that his brothers in the company have to bow their heads down to the ground.

The portrayal of Mr. Ngoc at Sun* Da Nang office

Not only orderly in his personal life, but Ngoc is also very orderly and responsible at work.

Having been working at Sun* since 2017, Ngoc has always kept his own characteristic and proving his importance and ability in the team. Mr. Ngoc does not fall for anyone, just loves work. Besides "stay focused", he is always willing for any tasks, no matter how difficult it may be, he accomplishes it excellently.

Mr. Ngoc's close fellow, Tien Phi (EUV4) confirmed: "Anh Ngoc is a bro, an exemplary, cheerful, funny team leader with the most hair in our team. He always enthusiastically helps other team members in times of difficulty. At work, he is a highly responsible person, wholeheartedly dedicated to the assigned tasks. He has been nicknamed "God of Bug Stealth" by the team members he is also a god of bug fixing of the team."

Every day, Ngoc always proactively spends time reading books. How diligent he is!

At first glance, Phan Ngoc - PHP Developer of Group 1 (EUV4) appears to be a cold man plus a highly disciplined personality, therefore, people may think he is a tough, difficult or even unsociable person. But the truth is totally different. Hidden deep inside that quiet person is a young man with a ... "badass" thinking. 

"The thing about Mr. Ngoc that I want to learn is the ability to handle problems, adapt to situations, and understand problems very quickly, thereby he can always support other members quickly every time anyone in need of support. In Team building of Group 1, he contributes quite positively with good ideas. However, when participating, he had cumbersome handling actions and ridiculous, bringing laughter to Group members." - Nhat Quan (EUV4) happily shared about Mr. Ngoc.

"He is the awesome bro of the team"
Phan Ngoc - the “cold outside hot inside” guy of Sun* Da Nang

"Ngoc is still single. So we, members of Group expect Ngoc nothing but a girlfriend" - an anonymous member shared with nationwide readers. 

Corner of Sun * - We talk about ourselves

If you have read the articles of Humans of Hanoi, Humans of Saigon, you will probably appreciate the simple storytelling style, the simple writing style and the good values behind those stories. Inspired by those stories, subsection Corner of Sun* (under the category Sun* Face) was created to explore, share and preserve small yet inspirational stories in Sunners' daily life and work, to make each of us love one another more and be proud of ourselves as a piece in a wonderful community.

Submit the story you like (it could be a saying, an action or a moment that you feel emotional) with photos (if any) and send it HERE.

Or more simply, you can contact the "smiling girl" of Sun* News (Bui Dieu Linh: to share and spread your story! ^^

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