Fear of speaking up: If you are afraid of being wrong, you will never be right

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

You, if you are a frequent reader of Sun* News, you must remember that the previous issue features an article on "indifference and self-indulgence". Today, I would like to continue with an issue that I believe to be highly related to the previous topic:  “Fear of speaking up”.

It is a frequent sight in many meetings, seminars, workshops,... when speakers/meeting coordinators raise the question: "Does anybody have any comment/question?" and it is all the same with heads shaking and mouths zipping and faces lowering, pretending to not hear a thing. If things are going well, no comments needed, then it is absolutely perfect. But there is no such thing that is absolute. When something is perfect and flawless, like a project without a bug, it definitely has a problem. If it has a problem, why are you keeping silent? Why don't you raise a question to free yourself from the curiosity obsession?  Why and why? 

Because you feel that your opinion is unnecessary? You feel that those issues don't concern you? Read last week issue again, and stop being so indifferent. Because you are afraid of being refuted and laughed at? It is not to speak if you are a shy guy, an introvert who likes to cry at night guy, but you are not if right after the meeting you tend to whisper to one and complain to others that it should have been like this, like that, this is correct, that A/X/Y/Z guy speaks nonsense.

You, just a few days ago, Mr Bui Xuan Trung has a Morning Speech about "fear". And what I remember the most is when he talked about its cause. Why are we afraid of the dark? Because our eyes can't see, we don't know what is happening in the dark. Why are we afraid of ghosts? Because we don't know the basics of ghosts, what is it like, how can it haunt us... 

And I think that the fear of raising questions or hesitance to express one's own opinions also stem from there, from the lack of information. Because you are unclear of an issue, you don't dare to speak out your thoughts. You are not sure if your opinions will help or not? You are afraid that people's response will be "what the heck" or shrugging and pushing your issue aside? The more you don't know, the more you should raise questions, with a thirst for knowledge, not anything too big. At least you have to ask to know if your understanding is correct or not. Because people will never be right if they are never wrong. When people are afraid of making mistakes, people make more mistakes. 

For your reminder, June is coming. Another review is coming, and Hou – Ren – Sou”: Reporting, communicating and discussing are the criteria for review. But how can your “Hou – Ren – Sou” rank increase if you don't raise questions/opinions - aka "Ren"? 

How can your “Hou – Ren – Sou” rank increase if you are reluctant to discuss with people - aka "Sou"?

Don't be afraid, because two of the qualities of a Suner is adventurist and optimist. Be brave with your thoughts and fearless with expressing your opinions. That is an adventurist. If your opinion is incorrect, it will help you understand where you are at, and encourage you to learn and gain knowledge. You will definitely be right next time. That is an optimist.

People never make mistakes because they never do anything. There are mistakes that take us to where we need to go. And as I remember, Mr. Tahei once said, "each member gives themself and the team "a chance to fail" - to do things they think they can't. That's the best way to get yourself and the team further, creating awesome values.

Let's stand up and share your thoughts in the meeting this afternoon! 

Vinh Nguyen The


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