HOT: New features of S*Book will make “dream come true” on your birthday
At the beginning of December, unique features were completed and officially put into use, including the birthday book recommendation accompanied by the birthday book library on S* Book platform.
In the past time, the new features have been continuously updated on S*Book with the desire to offer a better experience for users. Not long ago, features such as borrowing books online, sending emoji for reviews have been released on S*Book and well-received by book-loving Sunners. Following that success, in the latest update, the S*Book project team has continued to release many new features, specifically:
- Birthday book recommendation feature
- Birthday book library feature
- Online bookcase feature at Sun* Da Nang.
Let’s discover those new features and how to use them!
Sunners have proactively suggested birthday books on S*Book.
From now, Sunners have been able to suggest the books that they wish to receive on their birthday. The books you suggest will be included in the birthday book library if it matches all the criteria of the book selection rules.
To propose the birthday books, Sunners need to follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Access and log in with WSM account.
- Step 2: Click on Birthday Library. Click on the plus symbol on the right corner of the screen and then fill in the form with the necessary information.
- Step 3: After clicking on Suggest, your book will be pending. After your book being updated in the library, you will receive a notification.
Don’t forget to check S*Book after your suggestion!

Sunners visit the birthday book library
Currently, there are hundreds of books posted by IC Group on the online birthday book library S*Book. With this library, GLs, as well as members, can completely view, refer and select books suggested as birthday gifts that the company gives to Sunners.
To visit the library of birthday books, Sunners need to:
- Step 1: Access and log in with WSM
- Step 2: Select the Birthday Book / Birthday Library on the menu and refer to the desired book (Remember to log in to see book reviews from other Sunners)

Sunners at Da Nang use offline bookcase “online”
The bookcase at Da Nang branch has always been a favorite spot for Sunner here. Previously the borrowing book online feature was not released, Sunners would go to the bookcases themselves, borrowing books and returning after finishing the reading. The bookcases were not well-managed at that time. Noticing that problems, Sunners released the borrowing book online feature on S*Book exclusively for Da Nang bookcases, offering convenience for the branch’s book exchanging and borrowing movement. Da Nang IC can also manage the bookcase better.
To borrow books from Da Nang bookcases, now Sunner only needs to take a few simple steps:
- Step 1: Access and log in with your WSM account
- Step 2: Go to Office - Da Nang Office - Find the desired book posted by IC SBook account - Press Borrow
- Step 2: Search for IC SBook users in the Search bar - Click on the username - Go to Share to see the shared list
- Step 3: Go to the bookcase to get the book and return it on time.

Mr. Tran Duc Quoc - PM of S* Book, one of six candidates nominated in the MVP category of SAA 2020 - Revival shared:
“What I am most proud of when speaking of S * Book is that S * Book has "digitized" the sharing of books among Sun* members. At the same time, S*Book has made the movement "All Sun* read books" more exciting and widespread, through the fact that Sunners can share their feelings easily and quickly about the books they have read to their colleagues.
However, at present, the number of active members on S * Book has not come up to the expectation although the number of shared books has been still increasing monthly. In the coming year, with the premise of two features: Birthday book library and birthday book suggestion, S*Book team will together with IC Group implement functions to help Sunners choose their favorite books for birthday gifts. Besides, with his useful experiences with books and book exchange in his own company, he hopes that our Sunner can be more connected thanks to book exchange activities with the support of the S*Book tool."

With new features and already-existing features, we hope that S*Book will continue to help spread the reading culture even more strongly at Sun* through sharing, exchanging, and suggesting books for Sunners' birthdays.