Nguyễn Văn Vượng (EUV3): Pink lover, wild learner, and great coder!
As one of the members who has contributed greatly to the building, promoting and spreading the learning spirit at EUV3, Nguyen Van Vuong, who has a lovely nickname "GL Hello Kitty", has become a typical example in sharing knowledge at Sun*. Let’s find out and feel the Go Fast vibe in this optimistic Cancer guy with Sun* News!
Nguyễn Văn Vượng - born in 1990 is currently a core BrSE of Engineering Unit Vietnam 3 (EVU3). At first glance, Vuong is a cold and quiet type, but he actually a very active member in cultural activities as well as learning and sharing at EUV3 and at Sun*.
Having worked at Sun* for over 6 years, undergoing different stages of development and challenges of the company, Vuong finds himself improving a lot. It is shown through his optimistic thinking, and his knowledge sharing and learning from members.
Currently, Vuong has become a Group Leader and highly trusted by the manager and members of the Unit.

If I had to choose a core value to describe this BrSE guy, Go Fast would probably be the most appropriate. In addition to the active learning and sharing of professional knowledge to everyone, Nguyen Van Vuong is also well-known at Sun* for his ideas to build new technology products for internal work. The proof is the Creator title in 06/2020.
See more unique product ideas of Nguyen Van Vuong HERE
Who are you gonna be if you are not good at anything at all?
The engineers’ work at Sun* in particular and in the information technology market requires high levels of grey matter and technology. In the digital age, engineers not only have to care about coding but also be good at many stages such as build - integration - deploy - operation. Especially, this is the core part of DevOps culture that Sun* is aiming to become a Digital Creative Studio.
"To achieve that, not only me but any engineer must always realize the importance of improving our knowledge. If you do not try to learn and improve continuously, the chance is we will fall back and be left behind the technology that is changing really fast. Maybe one day, we can not meet the requirements of the company and the customers." - Mr. Vuong affirms

During his time improving and working at Sun*, Nguyen Van Vuong always strives to become a technology expert in the field he is pursuing.
In addition to daily work on the company, Mr. Vuong often learns a lot of new knowledge and gets quality technical certificates for himself, two certificates for Google cloud platform and five certificates for Amazon Web Service.
Imagine the speed of improving and learning knowledge of a Sunner who can master a new array within 3 months, or sometimes a difficult framework, a cloud certificate, and sometimes a tool for business work. Everyone can guess he’s the golden boy in Go Fast- Nguyen Van Vuong!
"He has been able to maintain that spirit of learning for the past 6 years at Sun*. To be honest, I’ve been living for more than 30 years now but I never see anyone like him before", Vuong’s close member (asking for permission to remain anonymous) said.
Now, Mr. Vuong is confident of his strong development, strong enough to master most of the in-depth knowledge as well as new technology, so that he can apply it in his work and share it to his members.
Sharing with Sun* News, Vuong has two favorable quotes with him during his personal development journey:
Never stop learning, when we stop learning, we stop growing
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it

Sharing is happiness and it is to get more than what we have!
This 1990 guy is one of the first to build, promote and spread the spirit of learning and sharing knowledge right in his Unit.
Mr. Vuong shared that, to deeply understand a new knowledge is really not easy, but there is a weird tip that he successfully tested, which is sharing the knowledge you have acquired to others.
Then, from passive learning through videos, lectures or books, we have changed into active learning through group discussions, presentations,... We have to organize and select the information ourselves. This is a way to help you and your colleagues get a lot of useful things through meticulous research.
Mr. Vuong confided, promoting knowledge sharing is not an easy journey for him because there are still many members in the Unit who are afraid, and lazy to participate, like him several years ago. But now, he even asks himself many times: "Do I have anything to share? Do I say right and do I have time for that?".

So, what is the motivation for someone who is not as talkative as Nguyen Van Vuong to become a leader in the exciting knowledge sharing activities at EUV3?
"There are so many reasons for a person who does not want to share. I and members of the Group are solving that problem day by day. My motivation is only summed up in one sentence: " To give is to receive"
Many people think that learning is proactive, everyone must learn by themselves, so sharing does not bring much value to others. However, I think this view is quite superficial because when a person learns, they can improve their knowledge, but if they learn for the organization, they will definitely improve together. If everyone still hesitates to share, it is difficult for them to get great knowledge from others. And an individual’s knowledge may not be much but a collective’s is quite the opposite."- Mr. Vuong said.

Motivation will lead the actions. That’s right. Up to now, the Go Fast spirit of this guy has clearly shown through seminars of learning and knowledge sharing at EUV3. As a member who is eager to learn of the Unit, from the beginning of the third quarter up to now, he and his group members have organized 3 Soft skills seminars within the section, 1 TalkXpert seminar within the Unit.
To July and August, Mr. Vuong is expected to organize 2 more TalkXpert seminars in Technical Unit.
Maybe many people do not know the name Nguyen Van Vuong or have just heard it somewhere in the company but Sun* News believes that the above share of Mr. Vuong will somehow awaken the fire of the "quick awareness - quick learning - continuous sharing" spirit in you so that we can all grow better each day, achieve worthy achievements for ourselves and contribute great values to society!