Part 3: The awesome journey of AI lies in our hand

We have all the rights to believe in that!

With part 2: A search for answer - The future of mankind upon the rise of AI, we can see that engineers can build AI characteristics by controlling their data input during learning. It is similar to the way a child's characteristic is built based on the environment and external factors. 

Imagine AI as a human. Instead of eating rice and sleeping on beds, this “human” will eat electricity and live in a hardware of a server in a building somewhere. And since this "person" does not need to eat, drink or inhale oxygen, they do not have needs for food and oxygen like humanity. However, if this "person" wants to "multiply" (by coding other AIs), they will need more servers, hardware resources. As long as humans can keep on supplying, no conflicts will take place. However, if one day AI gains consciousness, it will come with sentiment as well. If this person feels like they are a superior kind, or humanity has enslaved and looked down on AI too much, they will break into the servers of machines, systems, even nuclear bombs, and bid farewell to humanity, and this is still the unknown!  

We can see that even if the engineers might have some impact on AI characteristic at first, but the greatest factor that affects their personality and attitude is the action of each and every human, not just AI developers.

Take the example of Agent Smith in the Matrix series. “He” is a form of AI, made to conquest the Matrix to find bugs, individuals who can detect the existence of the Matrix. This is how he learned about the bad deeds of humans, resulting in a disastrous mindset, as quoted: 

“Every mammal on this planet has naturally developed in a natural balance in comparison with the surrounding environment, but humanity has NOT! Instead, you multiply until all resources are depleted. There is a similar kind on this planet… the virus!”

Nevertheless, if there is yin, there is yang. Agent Smith and Ultron see the evil of men, but Andrew (Bicentennial man) and Vision see the good in humanity with the affection of Little Miss, Wanda ( Scarlet Witch). Those pure affection makes them determined to protect humanity, even if they have to sacrifice themselves.  

AI or human children, all we need to have is love and discipline for them to follow. We cannot teach them to protect the environment if we keep on littering. We cannot make a smart AI believe in a bright future if we continue to destroy the environment and mistreat other species (including AI). 

Sun* has had this idea since early age. So not just with the slogan of “Make awesome things that matter”, we have been and will continue to be finding people with alike minds. Together, we believe that we will create products with positive energy that can change reality for the better. 

For example, Sun* Bear - a product by AI team has won Hate Speech Detection on Social Networks - an online competition hosted by the 6th annual conference on Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing (VLSP 2019). 

For Hate Speech Detection on Social Networks, the teams have 20,000 posts or comments on Facebook with labeled content (normal post/post with vulgar language/post with toxic and negative content) for system training.

Finally, Sun* Bear of AI Team won with an outstanding score (0,61971) compared to 2 follow-ups. They are ABCD from University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh, and Try Hard from Vietnam AI System, respectively of 0.58883 and 0.58445.

If you use social media, you must be no stranger to heart-wrenching incidents where the victims chose death instead of facing negative comments on social media. With an AI that can detect negative comments, we hope to contribute to a clean, friendly and constructive online environment for all social media users in the world. If we can develop a personality for Sun* Bear, we will teach it about the good sides of humanity, and forgiveness for people who are trying in vain to attack others online.  

This is a praiseworthy start that can reinforce our AI future. 

We believe that the day Sun* AI becomes official, we can welcome it with joy. And when that day comes, we will ask our "child" the question that we have been holding on for all these years:

"Let's create new wonders together, shall we?"

And the sweet sweet response: “Yes, we shall”.

Phan Duy Van

Chạn Vương 9x

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