Speak Out: "When we fall in love, chasing the ideal partner is nonsense"

Have you watched the current hottest Talk show at Sun* - "Speak Out" ep.02 yet? Here are some quotes about love in this episode.

When it comes to options, we thought that we would think carefully before choosing. However, it often comes to us very fast if we like something. When we like something, we draw out a lot of excuses first and make a decision afterward.
Actually, those who are already attractive by their charisma, are still attractive despite not being beautiful.
Any bad boy is essentially a good boy.
Human nature, in general, always desire to experience something they have never done before. Cool bad boys are somehow attractive that the girls want to step into these guys’ world to explore. That’s why these guys are very appealing to the girls.
Men are really attractive when they have their own passion. They have a deep understanding of a certain field. If they are better women at that, they will become more attractive.
Nothing is better than a beautiful soul.
When we fall in love, chasing the ideal partner is nonsense.

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