Sun* Da Nang: Vouchers for members who 'Go Fast'
Joining in with Go Fast month, Da Nang Sunners participated in the minigame series "Finders keepers" on Facebook in the past week.
Every 3PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday, the whole Da Nang office is ready on Facebook to solve quizzes together for a 50,000VND voucher in Charity bar. Questions under the theme of Go Fast core value like "List out 3 attributes of Go Fast", "Definitions of Go Fast",... were creatively designed in the form of crosswords, pictionary or calculations, which immediately caught the attention of the office "masterminds".
Minigames of “Finders keepers" only take 3 minutes to think of an answer, which fastened up the pace and increased the intensity of the game - a true "Go Fast" game. The line between "winning" and "losing" is incredibly thin. In order to answer the questions, players must ensure that they "Realize fast, learn fast and exchange information fast".

“The questions are simple and relatable, but the format makes it exciting. Also, 3PM is when I am drained out with continuous coding, a short 10 minute break with fun activities and even rewards really lighten up my spirit, and it really made me 'Go Fast' once I'm back to my work" - Doan Chi Nhat, Developer from Unit 2 said.

Throughout the minigames, the Go Fast attitude and the attributes of this core value have been widely spreaded to each Da Nang Sunner, in a pleasant and relatable way.

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