"Sun* is always by your side" - A small gift to Sunners amid the pandemic
“Out of sight yet not out of mind”, the whole Sun* are standing together to overcome the difficult period of the pandemic. To cheer everyone up, the Company has a small gift for any Sunner who is working full-time, on probation, or on maternity leave and unpaid leave.
The Covid-19 epidemic has broken out strongly in our country since the end of April, and once again the whole Sun* has implemented the "Work from home" campaign. Despite having experience from the previous remotes, it is apparent that few of us feel comfortable due to the long remote time, the lack of face-to-face communication as the work is mainly handled online, solved by text or phone calls, the context of social distancing in which everyone's life is confined to a small space: working alone, eating alone, entertaining alone; plus the present hot summer weather.
Understanding the situation, experiencing the same difficulties and wanting everyone to feel that even though we are far apart, we are always looking toward one another as "out of sight yet not out of mind", the Company wants to send everyone a small gift with the message "Sun* happy work from home".

It would be great if all Sun* are always healthy and safe, everyone has both good physical strength and an enthusiastic working spirit, bringing high work efficiency. Therefore, the company has selected and sent to everyone a combo of gifts for health, sports, and mental relaxation.
Let's choose 1 out of 5 gifts that you love the most!
Survey link: HERE
Deadline: 11:45 a.m on June 3rd, 2021 (Thursday).
Please quickly fill in the form before deadline for the gifts to be delivered to everyone from June 4th by the delivery team!
Although the gift is not of great value, we hope that it will bring Sunners joy during the day, so that anyone can have a more excited and positive feeling.
The epidemic is unavoidable and the whole society is facing common difficulties. It’s time for us to unite, stay on board, and optimistic to together overcome the difficult period with the inherent spirit of Sunners. April showers bring May flowers. As long as we stay strong and positive, we will definitely overcome the pandemic.
We wish all the Sunners health and happiness to complete their tasks effectively!