Tag: Kudo Box

Heartwarming story of how Sunners care for each other amidst the ‘remote season'
Heartwarming story of how Sunners care for each other amidst the ‘remote season'
How to avoid feeling bored and lonely when working remotely? Let's listen to the secret of keeping the fire of the "Be A Team" spirit through an extremely interesting activity of Sun* Edu!
by Thúy B 833 views 2021-07-12
Other teams have already used Kudo, why not your team?
Culture - Event
Other teams have already used Kudo, why not your team?
Team bạn đã áp dụng Kudo box để thúc đẩy tinh thần làm việc lẫn nhau chưa? "Team nhà người ta" xài chuyên nghiệp lắm rồi! Còn có cả tips nữa nè!
by Thúy B 3042 views 2021-04-05

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