5 helpful tips for culture building from Group 3 - Section 1 - EUV4
Group 3 - Section 1 - EUV4 is known as the oldest with the most human resources Group of Sun* Da Nang. Group 3's vibrant culture movement has been formed since the birth of the Branch. With such old age as well as the possession of numerous great elements, Group 3 has made an impressive development. Over many generations, the identity of Group 3 has still existed and is continuing to grow stronger. Let's see how this Group cultivates its culture!
In order to become a famous and strong Group as now, Group 3 - Section 1 - EUV4 always create separate directions for itself, building unique tricks to maintain the "top" performance. Let's explore their great tips!
Tip 1: Public and democratic
The first factor that Group 3 prioritize is the idea of democracy and publicity. At the Group, each member has the right to express his opinion, as well as his own feelings and thoughts about everything. All member's opinions are recorded, evaluated and put into practice. The Culture Development Team of Group 3 is in charge of collecting and analyzing each and every opinion, thereby solving the arising problems.

It is the care for minute detail that gradually creates trust and love for the group among individuals. They proactively learn and actively share with the Cultural Development team if anything is wrong in both Group and Branches. Therefore, when it comes to the spirit of "democratization", Group 3 is still “dope”!

Tip 2: “Flat” environment
There is always an invisible gap between the leader/boss and the employees. However, at Sun* especially in every Group, that gap is filled with closeness, friendliness, and willingness to listen and understand between the two sides. Group 3 is not an exception. To them, the culture of the “family” is the premise of cohesion in work and life.

Group 3 always aims to build a “flat” environment where all Sunners have equal positions and values. No matter who you are, as long as you are a member of Group 3, you will be filled with love and respect, receiving the most “awesome” things. It is generally known as the “goal” that many Groups at Sun* are aiming at yet not all of them are as efficient as Group 3.

Tip 3: The moving-forward-together mindset
In order to enhance knowledge and professional capacity, Group 3 usually hold knowledge-sharing sessions for Sunners. In each sharing, there are smaller teams in which the knowledge is shared. Each coding language will have different sharing activities.
The useful knowledge after sharing sessions has helped the work and life of Group 3 members a lot. A great environment is where all members have the chance to improve together. That is Group 3!
Tip 4: The shortest way to someone’s heart is through… the stomach
It sounds like talking about the secret to flirting, but this technique is always useful in many relationships, considered as an effective method to bridge the gap between members and create opportunities for the members in the company to get closer together, more united, therefore "sparking" great ideas.

Group 3 members do not need occasions to hang out to eat together. They have even become the “local” of food at Sun* Da Nang, isn’t it amazing! The eating spirit of Sun* Danang we have to say is “taller than a mountain, longer than a river”. When there are ecstatic waves of laughter attached with a fragrant scent of food, it must be Group 3!
Tip 5: Hanging out on a large scale!
The cultural development team at Group 3 is aiming at large-scale cohesion. At the beginning of every year, the whole group will be divided into teams randomly to work together in the next following year. The culture development team has continuously created the playground in which the teams can proactively organize their activities. The result is the growing cohesion as time goes by.

On January 9, Group 3 organized a cozy trip in association with YEP vacation to Hoi An. This year's YEP program has numerous memories. The G-Day was close yet the rain was still pouring heavily. Though no one said a word, everyone in the Group was extremely worried. Luckily, the day of the program was strangely beautiful, with cold weather and no rain. Everyone enjoyed the trip so much that Sunners Group 3 also joked, “Do you know what happiness is? It's on a cold night cooking food with nearly 40 of my friends, hihi!"

We hope that with their wonderful tips, Group 3 - Section 1 - EUV4 will develop and unite further in the future. What about your own group? Do you guys have any tips to build an awesome collective? Let’s share with Sun* News!
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