Viblo CTF: The next piece of Viblo Platform made its debut

Viblo CTF is expected to bring awesome exciting competitions in information security with different missions of different difficulties, from child's play to conundrum.

How was Viblo CTF born? 

Sunners must have all heard of the name Viblo, one of the company's long-established public services. After 4 years of development, Viblo has achieved certain great achievements, and it is still advancing steps by steps on its way to become a handy platform for programmers, and further the development of the Vietnam IT community. 

Started out an IT knowledge sharing service, Viblo recently expands with features for Q&A, Organizations... Moreover, in March and May of 2019, Viblo introduced new services like Viblo Code - where programmers can practice their Coding, Algorithm skills, and Viblo CV - where everybody can easily create neat-looking and professional CVs. Viblo Code is also the host service for "Code Challenge 2019" for all of Central Vietnam students in April. 

Currently, Viblo services have about 1.5 million views per month. The total amount of users reach up to 25.000, and the number of Viblo articles are about 24.000.

With a hope to accompany programmers on all areas, Viblo Team has started building the fourth service called CTF from June with the support of the young programmers from Unit 2 as well as the consultants from Cyber Security Research Team of R&D Unit.

On this day (October 3), Viblo CTF made its official debut. 

Viblo CTF and the new waves

CTF, which stands for Capture The Flag, is an information security competition, where players take on different missions, from the simplest thing like data collection from Wikipedia or social media, to basic and complex programming exercises. The goal of the player is to find a secret text hidden in a website or a host using different methods. The secret text is called the Flag. This is also the origin of the name Capture The Flag. 

Viblo CTF aims to not only provide many questions similar to other familiae CTF in the world, but also simple and fun quizzes of various topics, so that users can have a new and exciting experience.

Exercises on Viblo CTF are called Puzzles. The main puzzle categories are:

  • Reversing
  • Crypto
  • Stego
  • Pwn
  • Forensics
  • Misc
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Programming
  • Game

Also, each Puzzle will have different points and difficulty (Rank). By finding Flags in Puzzles, players will get points to "Rank up", or earn Tropy as awesome decorations for your Profile. 

Apart from Practice Mode - where players can practice with Puzzles and earn points, Viblo CTF also has Contest Mode - where players can team up (maximum 5 people per team) and compete in a fixed time. 

The first contest on Viblo CTF is the Sun* CTF Contest for Sunners in Da Nang and HCMC Office at the end of October.

What to expect with Viblo Platform in the upcoming future? 

With Viblo CTF, Viblo has its fourth piece. With a goal to become "An Ultimate Platform for IT Engineer", challenges surely awaits. 

At the moment, the Viblo development team of Sun* R&D Lab has started with the fifth service of Viblo Platform. It is expected to be a major, heavily-invested service.

We hope that after making its debut, it will also be well-received. For the far future, plans for the development of sixth or seventh services for Viblo ecosystem are underway to start next year, so that there will be more diversity in Viblo services, bringing them even closer to more users.

Not just planning on expanding number of services, in the future Viblo Team will also try to focus on upgrading the quality of each service of Viblo Platform. Upgrading Viblo content quality, designing more CV templates for Viblo CV, creating more Challenges, Puzzles, or having more competitions, both internal and public, on Viblo Code with Viblo CTF... Those are some of many plans of the whole team. 

We hope that we can see a growing Viblo that can contribute better to the development of the IT community in Vietnam, just like the mission set by CEO Kobayashi Taihei in an autumn day 5 years ago...

Find out more about services of Viblo Platform at:

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Thang Tran Duc


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#Viblo Code

#Viblo CV

#Viblo Platform

#Viblo CTF