Tag: be a team

Wonderful lessons for Sunners from the famous Korean drama "Itaewon Class"
Wonderful lessons for Sunners from the famous Korean drama "Itaewon Class"
If the life story of Park Saeroyi in Itaewon Class is set in the context of a Digital Creative Studio, it will certainly bring Sunners many interesting lessons in creating new values.
by Ling 1565 views 2020-03-26
Despite the Covid period, Sunners are still being urged to marry!
Culture - Event
Despite the Covid period, Sunners are still being urged to marry!
1 week of remote-working again passed. Those who have a birthday on this occasion continue to receive an online birthday celebration jubilantly from the 500 Sunners. In the Covid situation while the whole of Vietnam raising the flag 'Standing still shows the patriotism', many Sunners are still being urged to marry constantly. There are many other lovely birthday wishes, let's take a look and don't forget to leave a comment to congratulate them.
by KT 674 views 2020-03-23
With the complicated development of Covid-19, in order to encourage Sunner to be a team, fight against the pandemic, a talented young man of Sun* collab with Internal Communication Group produced the song "Kill the Covid". Please enjoy!
by Sun* News 358 views 2020-03-16
Corner of Sun *: "Is the server working well bro?"
Corner of Sun*
Corner of Sun *: "Is the server working well bro?"
That is the concern of the Infra brothers- those who are ready for OT weekends, even the night to ensure the network and server are working well, giving us 2 weeks of working remotely at home.
by Corner of Sun* 362 views 2020-03-11
February - Be a Team: Exploding a series of unique events from different Units at Sun*
February - Be a Team: Exploding a series of unique events from different Units at Sun*
4 units are ready for their own special games! Have you joined them yet?
by Bạch Dương 652 views 2020-02-18

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