From October 2019, Morning Speech will take place once a week in Keangnam office
In other offices, Morning Speech remains unchanged in format.
Morning Speech is a daily activity in all Sun* offices to start a dynamic new day for company members. Via sharings, Sunners can learn new things, exchange knowledge and experience in life or in work, or just simply personal opinions or stories for people to understand each other more. A part of the Morning Speech is to introduce new staff, give awards or honour excellent members in the month or quarter.
The organizer has had many activities to improve the Morning Speech like public speaking skill trainings, content suggestions, down scale to offices...
However, due to the increasing number of staff and scale in Keangnam office and less connections, the Morning Speech is not as effective as expected. For that reason, the organizer decided to change its format.
Instead of daily speeches, from October 1st 2019, Morning Speech in Keangnam office will be held once a week, on every Tuesday.
There will be 2 parts. The first part is the sharing or company announcement; the second part is new member introduction and award giving (if any).
Members who wish to have Morning Speech can sign up with the organizer. During the Morning Speech, all speakers in Keangnam office will be connected, so members outside Fizz area can follow.
In Handico, Da Nang and HCMC, Morning Speech remains unchanged.