
Do not assume our goals are not ambitious. Maybe you just have not understood them yet!
Do not assume our goals are not ambitious. Maybe you just have not understood them yet!
Amid the burning atmosphere of setting up new goals for new year, it is certain that any of us will at least once wonder: “Are the goals ambitious enough?” So, what is an ambitious and unambitious goal?
投稿者 XL 359 閲覧回数 2021-01-07
Unexpected benefits of "Work from home" through the Sunner's optimistic view
Unexpected benefits of "Work from home" through the Sunner's optimistic view
It's been more than 2 weeks working remotely. Although this way brings many difficulties in the working process and exchanging information, the remote-working at home in a certain aspect brings many interesting benefits that we may not have expected yet. Let’s point out with Sun* News!
投稿者 Ling 793 閲覧回数 2020-03-24
Optimism in the pandemic: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
Optimism in the pandemic: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
Because life is not always the way we want it. And now what we need is 'the optimism in this pandemic'.
投稿者 Minh 560 閲覧回数 2020-03-18
If you want peace, prepare for war
If you want peace, prepare for war
As Sunners, have you ever wondered why Sun* chose to become a Digital Creative Studio? If you still want to stay with Sun* to continue developing your career, read this article to know where Sun* is in this world!
投稿者 Chạn Vương 9x 659 閲覧回数 2020-03-05
Envy usually comes from the lower
Envy usually comes from the lower
Do you know "The Death of Zhou Yu" in the Three Kingdoms? If not, I would like to summarize in a sentence: "Zhou Yu envied Kongming so much that he coughed blood and died." Death by envy? You might laugh at it and say that it's nonsense, no one dies of envy. If you are too envy of others and cannot express it with anyone or a squad to insult the better one, you must be unable to sleep or eat well because that person keeps on showing off their promotion or a big house or a cool vehicle... Sooner or later, you will "fall ill and die".
投稿者 Long Nguyễn 3765 閲覧回数 2019-11-04