Sun* Đà Nẵng: Q&A about Git Feature Flow

Have you ever wondered what Feature branch is and do you really need Develop branch when you already have a Master branch? How to revert an entire implemented function out of an upcoming release with the least effort? When is it called a hotfix? Where to create the hotfix? Fortunately, Sunners Danang had the opportunity to answer these questions in an awesome seminar of 2 Sunners Bui Van Quynh and Nguyen Dang Huy (EUV1).

Like the "magic wand" that hit the spot, on July 10, the seminar hosted by two speakers Nguyen Dang Huy (Section Manager - EUV1) and Bui Van Quynh (Technical Leader - EUV1) created. opportunity for Sunners Danang to answer questions about Git Feature Flow.

Current Git Flow and same old stories 

At the seminar, Mr. Nguyen Dang Huy gave a specific basis to answer the question "Why change from the current Git Flow?" and "Common problems in Git Flow?" to have timely solutions. 
To emphasize on the topic of the program, Mr. Huy shared: "The current git-flow feature is suitable for focus release projects after a long time of development, but not suitable for git-flow. projects that develop and release functions in turn, based on priority, during the development of short iterations." 

Speaker Nguyễn Đăng Huy and "partner" Bùi Văn Quỳnh from Unit 1

Objectively speaking, the current Git Flow is no longer meet the ever-changing requirements of our customers. Along with that, Sun* is getting more and more projects requested by customers to develop with the Agile method so that they can easily consider and adjust the release when there are many features developed in parallel.

Therefore, optimizing Git Flow is extremely necessary. And it is also the reason for Sun* Da Nang to join with speakers Nguyen Dang Huy and Bui Van Quynh to hold a meeting about Sun's new Git Feature Flow. From there, Sunners can easily approach, understand and apply to their projects when customers make proposals. 

The high response of Sunners EUV4

Sunners Danang: Busy bees and the hunger for knowledge 

Understanding the importance of Git Feature Flow, the developers and QA at EUV4 were there before the seminar started, listened carefully to not miss any information.

Also in the seminar, Da Nang Sunners took the initiative to raise current GIT issues in their projects, discussed new Git Flow with 2 speakers, and suggested many ways to complete Git Flow in the most scientific and methodical way.

The attraction of Git Feature Flow

A ton of questions about Git Feature Flow has been asked. In particular, two speakers explain in detail that Git Command can be simple, but to have a complete Git Flow in every software project, it is NOT simple.

According to Mr. Huy, Git Flow has outstanding advantages such as: release single feature, issue immediately after UAT if customers want, minimize the risk of degrading or regression on production and it is definitely easier to understand and use compared to the current flow.

Speaker Huy and the lesson that "enter into the heart"

Through the seminar, Sunners Da Nang certainly have enough solid foundation knowledge about Git Feature Flow, prepare their minds, and are ready to face and overcome every incident, successfully complete the projects entrusted! 

Fast learning ..... true to the Go Fast spirit, right?
A ton of questions about Git Feature Flow has been answered!

In response to the company's Go Fast Month, Sun* Da Nang will work with the remaining branches to organize more knowledge-sharing activities in the near future to spread the spirit of "Fast understanding- Fast learning - Continuous sharing" to all Sunners.

If Sunners have any questions about this Git Feature Flow, you can contact Sunners Nguyen Dang Huy and Bui Van Quynh for answers!

#Sun* Đà Nẵng

#Git Feature Flow

#Nguyễn Đăng Huy